Knock Knock..
Who’s there??
Opportunity who??

Don’t question when opportunity knocks!!!

An instance of how one can let go of something special. But at KeyJob we ensure not only more opportunities knock on your door, but also unlock those doors to let them in!!

KeyJob Consultant is the one stop shop for Job Seekers and employers alike. KeyJob Consultant promises to give you the crème de la crème of the industry, thus filling those invaluable positions in your esteemed organization.

The fact that you clicked on our “About Us” icon suggests that we’ve clicked too, you and us!! Else why would you want to know more about us? For starters, unlike others we don’t claim to brush away your recruitment woes overnight, we take lesser time than that!! Your worries vanish the minute you sign up with us.
We are KeyJob Consultants, the one stop shop for job seekers and employers alike. We are a professional manpower selection & recruitment organization based in Mumbai. Equipped with consultants who are experts in the field, KeyJob has become the most sought-after recruitment firm in Mumbai.

For Job seekers, Key Job unlocks the chance to work with the best in your field. Offering a vast range of opportunities, Keyjob Consultants brings the best jobs from across the country within your grasp. You can also consult our panel of experts who will share their thoughts and experiences, thereby helping you take those important decisions with regards to your promising career. So post your resume- view, save & organize your job choices. Search for the biggest job employers and be the first to grab every opportunity. You can also select the way your resume appears, and its visibility.

Our Mission:

“Helping Our Clients Grow their Business
Through the Acquisition of Talent”

A proven track record in successful and timely completion of assignments makes KeyJob Consultancy a perfect recruitment partner.



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